Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wellbutrin: Pros and Cons

Wellbutrin, also known by the scientific name bupropion is a very popular antidepressant. Inhibits reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine. If you have never Used Wellbutrin before, you should familiarize yourself with drug interactions and side effects associated with it.

Wellbutrin is metabolized by the liver. In laboratory experiments conducted on rats, the drug was the cause of hepatocellular hypertrophy to administer high doses (hypertrophy is an increase in cell size). Side effects include agitation, dizziness, hypertension, dry mouth, tremor, anxiety, loss of appetite, headache, excessive sweating, increased risk of seizure, and insomnia.

Although the recommendation of the drug dose, the probability of an attack is extremely low, patients should be selected to use the health factors that could contribute to or increase the likelihood of an attack. A doctor in May also review other prescriptions the patient May be taken and recommend an appropriate mix based on this information.

In addition, suicidal thoughts and attempts have been reported in children and adolescents. Bupropion has been shown that the increased incidence of suicidal thoughts among children and adolescents. When treating major depression in this group of patients, the benefits must be carefully weighed against potential risks. In general, bupropion is not intended for patients under 18 years.

Another side effect, improved sexual function. Bupropion, unlike the inhibitors of serotonin reuptake, such as Prozac, does not seem to reduce the libido of the patient, and more frequently enhances sexual desire. Patients who complain of a deterioration of their sexual behavior because of their SSRI have sometimes been prescribed small doses of Wellbutrin to correct it.

A controversy with Bupropion is its propensity to reduce the seizure threshold. In combination with other drugs suspected to cause seizures in some patients who have never had a seizure before. [12] Although not common, an increasing number of cases in the world, deserves more discussion and research.

It is not uncommon for patients receiving treatment with other antidepressant prescriptions in combination with Wellbutrin. For this reason, a physician should be cautious when prescribing other medications tend to lower the threshold for seizure. Bupropion has also been known to produce seizures in combination with non-illicit drugs like cocaine and drugs like alcohol.

I hope you find this useful. Be sure to tell your doctor about medications you are taking in May before requesting a Prescrtiption of Wellbutrin. Although some side effects and interactions of drugs we have covered are rare, can occur unexpectedly, even the most healthy.

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